A South African documentary film about 5 young Afrikaans punk rockers that transformed a generation during a unique time in history - in one of the most reluctantly complex and evolving societies of the 21st century. The film follows the story of the band over 4 years as they forge a place for themselves and their fans in the new South Africa, in the process challenging the stigmas and expectations placed on them by their Afrikaner heritage, the church and tradition. Through the death threats and Christian backlash, they stood tall - sentries for the right to identity and freedom of thought. A story that transcends language and culture; and bravely faces a truth, that most would've left in darkness.
Written by Anonymous
Es un documental sobre una banda de rock compuesta por 5 jóvenes sudafricanos que muestra como se revelan en la SUDÁFRICA de la democracia sin el APARTHEID.
Una historia que va más allá del lenguaje y la cultura, y muestra la cara de la verdad y el fin de la oscuridad.
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