The Fever is a 2004 film, a psychological drama produced by HBO Films, directed by Carlo Gabriel Nero and based on the 1990 eponymous play by writer/actor, Wallace Shawn.
The film stars the director's mother Vanessa Redgrave and includes cameos by Angelina Jolie, the director's half-sister Joely Richardson and Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore.
The original play was a piece of experimental theater performed as a monologue by the play's author, Wallace Shawn. Unlike conventional plays, Shawn initially performed The Fever not in a theater, but in private homes by appointment. Later, he performed the piece in a theater, but in keeping with the desire to be unconventional in presentation, Shawn eschewed theatrical lighting, sets, and theater programs, and mingled with the audience immediately before the play began. In an interview with The Paris Review, Shawn explained that he used these novel approaches to avoid people dismissing the play's message as merely "great theater."
La Fiebre es una película del 2004, un drama psicológico producido por HBO, dirigida por Carlo Gabriel Nero.
Cuenta con la participación de Michale Moore.
Trata sobre un monólogo del autor de la novela en que se basa: Wallace Shawn.
Trata sobre la crisis existencial que vive su protagonista Vanessa Redgrave.
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